Expo Rules and Regulations
Expo Rules and Regulations
All attendees, exhibitors, and/or sponsors agree to the expo rules and regulations listed below when completing their reservations, contracts, deposits, purchases, payments, or invoices.
"The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo - Ocean Center” is produced and managed by Captain Lee, LLC. All decisions regarding space assignments, nature and style of exhibit, floor management before, during and after the Expo hours shall be made by Captain Lee, LLC. FSFE and Captain Lee, LLC shall have full power in the interpretation and enforcement of these rules and regulations and the power to make amendments thereto and such further rules and regulations as they shall consider necessary for the proper conduct of the Expo.
The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) is open to anyone and everyone, however, all attendees must wear official expo credentials (i.e. badge or bracelet) for the duration of the expo.
Exhibitors and attendees must be in compliance with local, state and federal laws and any valid federal or state court order.
Exhibitors and attendees must refrain from any conduct that would be viewed as detrimental or disruptive to the operation of the expo, including, but not limited to: inappropriate dress, lascivious behavior, excessive noise, unauthorized use of another exhibitor’s product or product concepts or any other activity that Captain Lee, LLC. determines to be unacceptable or unethical.
Captain Lee, LLC. reserves the right to determine whether the character and/or attire of booth personnel is acceptable and in keeping with the best interests of other attendees and/or FSFE.
Unless promotional materials are included in a Captain Lee, LLC./FSFE sponsorship program, exhibitors and/or attendees are not permitted to place promotional materials outside their booth or on the show floor.
Any attendee who is observed to be suitcasing – soliciting business in the aisles or other public spaces, in another company’s booth, or in violation of any portion of Captain Lee, LLC.’s rules and regulations – will be asked to leave immediately and will forfeit his or her event credentials. Additional penalties may be applied.
Any company that is not an official exhibitor that hosts an exhibit or other function at a non-official show venue is in violation of show rules and may lose priority points, seniority and/or the ability to exhibit at FSFE.
Only credentialed photographers and videographers (Media Editorial badge) are permitted to film during the show. All photography and videography must take place in designated areas or within an exhibitor’s booth. Prior consent is required.
Children under 16 are not permitted on the show floor during exhibitor move-in and move-out. Proof of age is required. No exceptions.
Attendees grant show management permission to utilize their image, likeness, actions and statements in any live or recorded audio, video, or photographic display or other transmission, exhibition, publication or reproduction made of, or at, the FSFE in any medium or context without further authorization or compensation.
From time to time, photographs, videos, filming and/or other recordings (“Photography”) may be made of the Exhibition by Management or third parties contracted by Management, which may capture the image, voice, likeness and activities of Exhibitor and Exhibitor Representatives, as well as the presentation of Exhibitor’s booth, products, displays and intellectual property (“collectively, “Exhibitor Images”). Exhibitors may not hinder, obstruct, or interfere in any way with such Photography whether by Management or others working on Management’s behalf, and in consideration of being allowed admission into the Show hereby consent to Management’s Photography and use of Exhibitor’s Images for any reasonable commercial purpose. Exhibitors grant Management and others contracted by Management a non-exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable, worldwide license to use Exhibitor Images and assigns all rights, including the copyright, in any materials created by or on behalf of Management incorporating Exhibitor Images without further payment or other consideration.
Exhibitors may not resell, sublet, or share booth space with any other company without the express permission of The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) or Captain Lee, LLC. The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) or Captain Lee, LLC reserves the right to require special liability agreements from proposed consortiums prior to accepting booth registration.
Exhibitors must check in, located in the Ocean Center lobby, on the Saturday prior to the exhibit opening, between 6:00 AM – 7:30 AM.
Exhibits must be set up by 7:50 AM the first day of the expo.
Exhibits must be completely set and remain set and staffed throughout the posted exhibit hours.
Exhibiting organizations will be issued a quantity of complimentary Full Access passes based on booth type.
The complimentary Full Access passes are exclusively intended for employees actively working within the booth. These registrations are not to be offered to anyone outside of your organization.
Exhibitor name badges will be assigned to specific individuals and may not be transferred at any time.
Permanent substitutions may be made by the designated organization representative only. Badges will be printed with the exhibiting organization’s name.
Cancellations of exhibit space will not be refunded unless otherwise given written statement from FSFE’s Event Director. To receive refund (less any cancellation fee), exhibitors must notify the event director in writing by December 30, 2024. Thereafter, no refunds will be provided for cancelled reservations. In the event of FSFE cancellation at any time, The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) or Captain Lee, LLC liability is limited to a refund of exhibitor registration fees only.
If an exhibiting organization has not paid for their space by the payment deadline, The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) or Captain Lee, LLC reserves the right to cancel their application and reassign the space.
Exhibits must adhere to display specifications as detailed in the exhibitor kit, comply with ADA (American Disabilities Act) requirements, and maintain tasteful displays. The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) or Captain Lee, LLC reserves the right to require adjustments to exhibit materials to ensure display compliance.
Signage can be hung from the ceiling (30 feet high) and must be arranged through GEMS Events (Gilbert Exposition Management Services) or The Florida saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE). However, no materials may be hung from the pipe and drape unless otherwise given permission by GEMS or FSFE. Additionally, banners, signage, fliers or other advertising materials are not allowed outside your exhibit booth or in any public areas including the hallways, Ballrooms, exhibit halls, lunch areas, lounges, break areas, social event venues and other exhibit booths. Any materials placed in the venue will be removed and disposed of. Booth height (pipe and drape) is set at eight feet. Customized booth designs, signage, and backdrops may extend up to twelve feet in the designated booth area. Flooring is not required, but can either be brought in or purchased through GEMS.
Exhibits must comply with all fire laws, electrical codes, and all other rules, regulations, codes, statutes, or ordinances with respect to installation, conduct, and disassembly of exhibits. Exhibitors shall comply with all requests of the officials of the Ocean Center, GEMS, and FSFE with respect to the installation, conduct, and disassembly of exhibits.
The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) or Captain Lee, LLC strongly encourages exhibitors to secure, at their own expense, appropriate liability/loss insurance and provide reasonable security for equipment and displays. The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) or Captain Lee, LLC, its affiliates and/or the Ocean Center will not be responsible for loss, theft, or damage to exhibitor-supplied equipment during any part of the exhibition. Security will be on-site throughout the expo.
Exhibitors may not distribute, duplicate, sell, or otherwise misuse FSFE participant lists if provided to them.
Food and Beverages, including alcohol, may be purchased for an exhibit, side meeting, or private meeting, through the Ocean Center’s sole catering provider, Oak View Group (OVG). According to Florida State Law all bar services require a bartender at the expense of the organization ordering the alcohol.
Gifts and giveaways must be professional in nature. The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) or Captain Lee, LLC reserves the right to review giveaways and stop distribution of distasteful items.
It is the responsibility of the exhibiting organization to ensure display items and written materials are approved for public release and not controlled under ITAR or any other export control laws (applicable only to US-based organizations).
The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) or Captain Lee, LLC reserves the right to cancel any exhibit space at any time for misrepresentation of products displayed or for noncompliance with any of the rules and regulations.
Exhibitors may engage third-party contractors for services, as previously permitted. GEMS Exposition Design Services will also provide labor, material handling, freight, custom booth construction, and other related services. Detailed rates for these services will be available in the GEMS Service Kit.
Use of The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) logos and trademarks - The Exhibitor acknowledges that the "FSFE" name, logos, and trademarks are the exclusive property of The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) or Captain Lee, LLC. These may only be used with prior written permission and solely in connection with the Exhibitor's participation in the conference. This contract does not automatically grant the Exhibitor the right to use the FSFE name, logos, or trademarks. All usage must align with the purposes of the expo, and any unauthorized use is prohibited. The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) or Captain Lee, LLC reserves all rights not expressly granted.
The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo, nor Captain Lee, LLC, nor their representatives or agents (“indemnified parties”) shall be liable or responsible for any injury to Exhibitors, or their employees, or guests, or visitors while within the confines of the Exhibit Space; nor shall they be liable for the loss or damage to any goods from any cause whatsoever while the same are in transit to or from the Expo, or while they are located in the Exhibit Space. Exhibitor hereby indemnifies and holds the Indemnified Parties harmless from all such claims, liabilities, damages, and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) arising from the foregoing injuries, losses, or damages. The indemnity provisions contained herein shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement. Organizations exhibiting at the FSFE hereby agree to indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE), Captain Lee, LLC, Ocean Center, Volusia County, and its trustees, officers and agents, employees and students from any and all liability including claims, demands, losses, costs, damages and expenses of every kind and description (including death) or damage to persons or property, including but not resulting, directly or indirectly, from any act or omission of the exhibitor, its agents or employees or on accounts of injuries, death or property damage arising out of activities of the exhibitor as authorized by this agreement, or arising out of its use of exhibitor services and facilities, or arising as the result of any noncompliance with the American Disabilities Act.
In accordance with the terms, conditions, and regulations governing exhibits, by paying, reserving, or checking the agreement box on the online registration form, each organization agrees to abide by the rules and regulations as stated above or as specifically designated by The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) or Captain Lee, LLC. Once accepted and space confirmed by the expo, the registration form becomes a contract. Failure to abide by expo rules and regulations will result in forfeiture of all monies paid under terms of this agreement.
The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) or Captain Lee, LLC reserves the right to take action deemed to be in the best interest of The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) or Captain Lee, LLC. This includes, but is not limited to, making changes to the exhibit layout, adjustments to location assignment, expo schedule, and expo-related activities.
Liability Insurance Requirements
Exhibitor shall, at its own expense, secure and deliver to the Conference prior to entering the Volusia County's Ocean Center Convention Center and shall keep in force at all times during the term of this Agreement:
A commercial general liability insurance policy in form acceptable to The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) or Captain Lee, LLC, or Ocean Center, including public liability for bodily injury and death and property damage, covering its activities hereunder, in an amount not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) for bodily injury and One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) for property damage, including blanket contractual liability, independent contractors, and products and completed operations. The foregoing general liability insurance policy shall not contain exclusions from coverage relating to participants liability. Exhibitor shall also maintain follow form Umbrella/Excess liability insurance with a limit of at least Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000).
Commercial automotive liability coverage, including coverage for bodily injury and property damage, in a form acceptable to Space Dynamics Laboratory covering all vehicles operated by Exhibitor, its officers, directors, agents and employees in connection with its activities hereunder, with a combined single limit of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) (including of hired and non-owned coverage); and
Property damage or loss for full insurable value of Exhibitor 's (and its agents' and contractors') property and equipment to be brought into or located in the Facility; and applicable workers compensation insurance for Exhibitor's employees, as required by applicable law, including employers’ liability coverage of at least One Million Dollars ($1,000,000).
The following shall apply to the insurance policies described in clauses a), b), and c) above: The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) and Captian Lee, LLC shall each be named as additional insureds thereunder. Prior to June 10, 2025, Exhibitor shall deliver to the Conference certificates of insurance evidencing the existence thereof, all in such form as Space Dynamics Laboratory may reasonably require. Each such policy or certificate shall contain a valid provision or endorsement stating, "This policy will not be canceled or materially changed or altered without first giving thirty (30) days' written notice thereof to Space Dynamics Laboratory.” If any of the insurance policies covered by the foregoing certificates of insurance will expire prior to or during the time of the 39th Annual FSFE, Exhibitor shall deliver to the Conference at least ten days prior to such expiration a certificate of insurance evidencing the renewal of such policy or policies. The coverage and limits provided under such policies shall be occurrence-based, not claims made.
Exhibitor hereby acknowledges that the coverage limits contained in any policy, whether such limits are per occurrence or in the aggregate, shall in no way limit the liabilities or obligations of Exhibitor under this Agreement, including, without limitation, Exhibitor's indemnification obligations below.
The terms of all insurance policies referred to in this Section shall preclude subrogation claims against The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE), Captain Lee, LLC, Ocean Center, Volusia County, and GEMS and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents.
The failure of the Exhibitor to provide insurance in accordance with this Section shall be a breach of this Agreement and shall, notwithstanding any cure period set forth below, preclude Exhibitor from entering and using the Facility.
The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) by Captain Lee, LLC are educational events, and the in-person exposition staged (“Exposition”) is a vital element of the educational process. The purpose of the Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo is to bring together anglers, industry professionals, and fishing enthusiasts to celebrate and support the saltwater fishing community. By providing a platform for vendors, sponsors, and attendees to connect, learn, and share their passion, we aim to promote sustainable fishing practices, showcase innovative products, and foster a thriving community dedicated to preserving and enhancing the fishing experience for generations to come.
Exhibit space will be assigned in the order reservations are received. Captain Lee, LLC and The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) Exhibit Management agent (hereafter referred to as Exhibit Management) shall use its best efforts to locate the booth in one of the locations designated by Exhibitor elsewhere in this agreement. Notwithstanding the above, Exhibit Management reserves the right to change location assignments when such action is deemed to be in the best interest of the Exposition. Instances involving relocation of a booth due to unforeseen circumstances, force majeure or acts of God or war shall be governed by the provision “Cancellation, Postponement or Relocation of Exposition” below. Exhibitor agrees that its exhibit shall be admitted into the Exposition and shall remain from day to day solely on strict compliance with all the rules herein described. Exhibit Management reserves the right to reject, eject or prohibit any exhibit in whole or in part, or any Exhibitor with cause if exhibit is unsuitable to or not consistent with the character of the Exposition. If an exhibit or Exhibitor is ejected with cause or for violation of these rules or for any other stated reason, no return of rental shall be made.
Rental includes the following exhibit equipment: 8’-high back drape, 3’-high side rails, an 6’ table, two standard chairs, plus a sign featuring the Exhibitor’s company name. Twenty-four-hour general security and general aisle cleaning are provided. The Exhibitor is responsible for reasonable cleaning and housekeeping of booth prior to exiting the expo.
Standard exhibits: Regular and specially built back walls including signs may not exceed an overall height of 8’. Low side dividers between exhibits should not exceed 3’ in height. If a high divider is desired, it cannot exceed 8’ in height nor extend from the back wall more than one-half of the depth of the space.
Peninsula exhibits: These face three aisles. This type of exhibit must limit the length of the back wall to one-half the width of the space (centered), and the back wall and any other display item must not be more than 8’ in height. A booth design must be submitted to Exhibit Management for approval prior to move-in onsite.
Island exhibits: These have four open sides. This type of exhibit must limit any walls or other display items to 16’ in height, where sufficient clearance exists, with length of walls or items not to exceed one-half the depth and width of the space. Special designs may be submitted to Exhibit Management for approval.
Cubistic or free-form display: These may be constructed in any manner desired, within the areas designated, except the upper 40 percent of each display must be at least 50 percent open.
Vehicles and trailers: All vehicles and trailers require written approval from Exhibit Management.
Hanging signs: All hanging signs require written approval from Exhibit Management.
Crossover or area displays: These must be constructed as two standard 8’-high exhibits facing each other across an aisle, but connected by one or two Exhibitors’ name signs (18”-high with lettering 12”-high maximum), which bridge the two exhibits at a level 8’-high at sign base. Signs must be at least 3’ from ends of exhibit. A floor covering cannot be placed in the aisle between the two exhibits. No displays or obstructions may be placed in normal aisle area.
Flooring and floor height of exhibits:Avoiding trip hazards is a requirement in booth design. No double carpet padding, oversized flooring substrates that extend into the aisle, raised floors or any elevation changes are permitted unless Exhibit Management receives, and approves of, a booth design that demonstrates the elimination of any potential trip hazards in advance of the expo. Note that even if approved, onsite adjustments, such as the addition of stanchion, caution tape and/or access ramps, may be required to ensure the safety of all concerned.
Accessibility: Exhibitors agree to design and construct their exhibit in such a way that it complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992. Further information regarding ADA compliance is available at https://www.ada.gov/2010_regs.htm.
Animals: No animals shall be permitted in the Exhibit Hall, except for service animals required for use by Attendees.
The Exhibitor shall not assign, sublet or apportion the whole or any part of the space assigned or have representatives, equipment or materials from firms other than its own in the exhibit space without the prior written consent of Exhibit Management. Only one company shall be considered as the Exhibitor; any other company or unity in the exhibit space shall be considered a subsidiary or affiliate.
The Exhibitor explicitly agrees that in the event it fails to install its products in assigned exhibit space or fails to remit payment for required space rental or payment for advertising at time specified, Exhibit Management shall have the right to take possession of said space and lease same or any part thereof to such parties and upon such terms and conditions as it may deem proper. In addition, the Exhibitor shall not dismantle or otherwise interfere with the orderly conduct and display of the exhibit until the Exposition is finally closed to the attendees.
Exhibitor assumes all responsibility for compliance with local, city, state, The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE), Captain Lee, LLC and Exhibit Management safety, fire and health rules and regulations ordinances covering installation and operation of equipment and of their exhibit booth including, but not limited to, restrictions on the amount of people who may gather in the exhibit booth and compliance with any social distancing rules or other health and safety protocols implemented at any time. Exhibitor shall not pack merchandise in paper, straw, excelsior or any other readily flammable material. All cartons stored in the expo building shall be emptied of contents. Exhibitor shall use no flammable decoration or covering for display fixtures, and all fabrics or other material used for decoration or covering shall be flameproof. If required by local law or ordinances, Exhibitor shall have on hand in its exhibit space a notarized affidavit establishing that its display materials have been treated during the last year by an approved chemical. All wiring devices and sockets shall be in good condition and meet the requirements of local law.
Exhibitor and its representatives agree to abide by The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) by Captain Lee, L.L.C code of conduct and policies. In addition, Exhibitor and its representatives shall not congregate or solicit trade in the aisles or outside of sanctioned expo locations both in virtual and in-person formats. The prior written consent of Exhibit Management is required for the employment or use of any live model, demonstrator, solicitor or device for the mechanical reproduction of sound. Such employment or use shall be confined to the exhibit space. Exhibit Management, in its sole and absolute discretion, may withdraw its consent at any time, in which event Exhibitor shall terminate such activity immediately. All promotional plans must be submitted to Exhibit Management for approval. Distribution of pamphlets, brochures or any advertising matter must be confined to the exhibit space. Exhibitors are prohibited from bringing alcoholic beverages into the Volusia County’s Ocean Center Convention Center. Exhibitor shall refrain from any action that will distract attendees from attendance at the Exposition during open hours. Exhibitor shall not lead attendees from one exhibit space to another or to elevators or escalators.
The dress code at The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) is business casual or business professional. All Exhibitors and their representatives are required to adhere to this dress code during any in-person or virtual component of the events. As an educational conference, booth staff attire should be appropriate. Attire should not be suggestive, use offensive language, or depict drug, alcohol, or tobacco use, or violent, racist, or sexist images. FSFE and Captain Lee, LLC reserve the right to remove access to any Exhibitor, attendee or other participant who does not comply with this dress code.
The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE), and Captain Lee, LLC names, logos and acronyms are proprietary and may not be used in signs, advertising, promotions or on any product literature either inside or outside the Exhibit Hall. This rule applies before, during and after The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE), unless prior authorization has been received from FSFE and Captain Lee, LLC.
Exhibitor grants to The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) and Captain Lee, LLC a non-exclusive, nontransferable, revocable license to use the name, logo and acronym of the Exhibitor solely in connection with the Exposition. All uses of the name, logo and acronym of the Exhibitor shall be determined by The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) and Captain Lee, LLC in their sole discretion.
If images, loudspeakers or sound devices are used, the Exhibitor agrees to comply with any requirements for the operation of the equipment. Equipment will only be permitted if tuned to conversational level (no louder than 70 decibels) and is not objectionable to neighboring Exhibitors. Operating equipment that emits excessive noise must be run intermittently for specific demonstrations only and must be approved in advance by Exhibit Management. Exhibit Management reserves the right to restrict the use of glaring lights or objectionable lighting effects.
Exhibit Management will be monitoring sound levels closely, and requests for adjustments must be observed. Any complaints from neighbors may result in a complete shutdown of the objectionable sound levels and/or light effects, or fines.
Where an official contractor has been designated to perform services for an Exhibitor — such as the rental of furniture, setup of exhibits, electrical work, plumbing, labor or any other service — no Exhibitor or representative shall contract for such services with other than the said official contractor unless permission has been secured in writing in advance from Exhibit Management. Exhibit Management assumes no responsibility or liability for any of the services performed or materials delivered by the contractors.
Exhibitor will not be permitted to store packing crates and boxes in the exhibit of the Volusia County’s Ocean Center Convention Center during the Exposition, but these, when properly marked, will be stored and returned to the exhibit by service contractors. It is the Exhibitor’s responsibility to mark and identify all crates and boxes. Crates and boxes not properly labeled may be destroyed. No trunks, cases or packing material shall be brought into or out of the exhibit space during expo hours.
No photographs, audio, video or digital recording of any type shall be taken without the prior consent of Exhibit Management and/or the Exhibitors involved. In no case shall images or recordings taken by the Exhibitor include attendees unless waivers are signed in advance by all parties. The Exhibitor acknowledges and agrees that The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE), Captain Lee, LLC, their employees and contractors may take photographs/videos which could include images of the Exhibitor, its representatives and its exhibits while attending the Exhibition. The Exhibitor hereby consents to and grants to The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) and Captain Lee, LLC and their affiliates, the unrestricted, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free and transferable right and license to use (and grant others the right to use) the images worldwide without any compensation. The Exhibitor acknowledges that The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) and Captain Lee, LLC are the sole and exclusive owners of all rights in the images and hereby waives (a) any and all rights in and to such images, and (b) any and all claims the Exhibitor and its representatives may have relating to or arising from the images or their use. In no cases can Exhibitors use any images of attendees participating in demonstrations or meetings for any commercial purposes.
Exhibitors shall be responsible for compliance with applicable data protection laws protecting the personal data of attendees.
The extent of an Exhibitor’s or Attendee’s use of technology during the events is not guaranteed.
In no event shall The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) or Captain Lee, LLC be held liable for participants’ interruptions to personal Internet access, power access, video camera access, or audio capabilities, nor of any similar interruptions to that same for the duration of the availability of the events.
Discounts, special offers and/or coupons for Exhibitors or Attendees are confidential, nontransferable, and cannot be combined at any time. No exceptions.
All property of the Exhibitor remains under its care, custody and control in transit to and from the Volusia County’s Ocean Center Convention Center, during installation and removal, and while it is within the confines of the Volusia County’s Ocean Center Convention Center. Neither Exhibit Management, The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE), Captain Lee, LLC, the owners or management of the Volusia County’s Ocean Center Convention Center, nor any of the officers, staff members or directors of any of the same are responsible for the safety of the property of Exhibitors from theft, damage by fire, accident, vandalism or other causes. The Exhibitor expressly waives and releases any claim or demand it may have against any of them by reason of any damage to or loss of any property of the Exhibitor, except where the damage or loss is due to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Exhibit Management, The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE), Captain Lee, LLC, the owners or management of the expo hall, or their agents or employees. Exhibitor understands that neither Exhibit Management, the Volusia County’s Ocean Center Convention Center, The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) nor Captain Lee, LLC carry business interruption and/or property damage insurance coverage for loss or damage of Exhibitor’s property. The Exhibitor agrees to obtain the following insurance during the dates of the Exposition, including move-in and move-out days, and shall be prepared to furnish a certificate of insurance to Exhibit Management if requested: (a) commercial general liability insurance coverage including protective and contractual liability for bodily injury and property damage, (b) employer’s liability insurance, (c) worker’s compensation/occupational disease coverage in full compliance with federal and state laws, (d) comprehensive general liability automobile insurance.
In no event shall The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) and Captain Lee, LLC, their officers or directors, agents, employees, independent contractors, subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively “The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) and Captain Lee, LLC parties”) be liable to the Exhibitor or any third party hired by or otherwise engaged by the Exhibitor for any lost profits or any other indirect, special, punitive, exemplary, incidental or consequential damages, including attorneys’ fees and costs, arising out of this application and agreement or connected in any way with use of or inability to use the services outlined in this application and agreement or for any claim by Exhibitor, even if any of the The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) or Captain Lee, LLC parties have been advised, are on notice and/or should have been aware of the possibility of such damages, Exhibitor agrees that the The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) and Captain Lee, LLC parties’ sole and maximum liability to the Exhibitor regardless of the circumstances shall be the refund of the exhibit fee. Exhibitor agrees to indemnify and defend the The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) and Captain Lee, LLC parties from any claims brought by a third party hired by or engaged by the Exhibitor for any amount beyond the exhibit fee. Further, Exhibitor agrees to pay all attorney’s fees and costs incurred by the The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) and Captain Lee, LLC parties arising out of or in any way related to this application and exhibit. Exhibitor shall be solely responsible for its attorney’s fees and costs.
This application/contract and agreement to these terms, conditions and rules shall not constitute nor be considered a partnership, joint venture or agency relationship between The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE), Captain Lee, LLC, Exhibit Management and the Volusia County’s Ocean Center Convention Center. Exhibitor hereby agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE), Captain Lee, LLC, Exhibit Management, the Volusia County’s Ocean Center Convention Center and their respective officers, directors and employees (collectively “The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) and Captain Lee, LLC Indemnitees”) from and against any and all liability, responsibility, loss, damage, cost or expense of any kind whatsoever as they arise (including but not limited to court costs, interest and attorney’s fees) that any of the The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) and Captain Lee, LLC Indemnitees may incur, suffer, be part to or be required to pay, incident to, or arising directly or indirectly from any intentional or negligent act or omission or breach of these terms, conditions and rules, or violation of any ordinance or statute by Exhibitor or any of its employees, contractors or agents. The Exhibitor assumes full responsibility and liability for the actions of its agents, employees and independent contractors, whether acting within or without the scope of their authority, and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend any of the The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) and Captain Lee, LLC Indemnitees as expenses arise, from responsibility or liability resulting directly or indirectly, or jointly, from other causes that arise because of the acts or omission of its agents, employees or independent contractors, whether acting within or without the scope of their authority. The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE), Captain Lee, LLC and Exhibit Management hereby each agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Exhibitor and its respective officers, directors and employees (“Exhibitor Indemnitees”) from and against any and all liability, responsibility, loss, damage, cost or expense of any kind whatsoever as they arise (including but not limited to court costs interest and attorney’s fees) that any of the Exhibitor Indemnitees may incur, suffer, be part to or be required to pay, incident to or arising directly or indirectly from any intentional or negligent act or omission or breach of these terms, conditions and rules, or violation of any ordinance or statute by The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) and Captain Lee, LLC and/or Exhibit Management or any of their employees or agents. The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE), Captain Lee, LLC and Exhibit Management assume full responsibility and liability for the actions of their agents, employees and independent contractors, whether acting within or without the scope of their authority, and agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the indemnities as expenses arise, from responsibility or liability resulting directly or indirectly, or jointly, from other causes that arise because of the acts or omission of their agents, employees or independent contractors, whether acting within or without the scope of their authority. The terms of this provision shall survive the termination or expiration of this agreement.
In the event that The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE), Captain Lee, LLC or Exhibit Management determines that due to any occurrence, force majeure, acts of God, war, or any other cause beyond their control renders the fulfillment of this Agreement inadvisable, commercially impracticable, illegal, or impossible by The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE), Captain Lee, LLC and Exhibit Management, the parties may amend or terminate the Agreement and so notify Exhibitor. In such circumstances, The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE), Captain Lee, LLC and Exhibit Management may cancel, postpone, relocate, or change the format of the Exposition (i.e., in-person events to fully virtual events).
In the event of postponement or relocation of the exposition, The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE), Captain Lee, LLC and Exhibit Management will offer booth space that the Exhibitor may accept and agree to under these same terms, conditions and rules. Should the Exhibitor wish to decline booth space for the postponed or relocated events, a full refund of booth fees may be requested in writing by the Exhibitor to The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE), Captain Lee, LLC and Exhibit Management.
In all cases described above, The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE), Captain Lee, LLC, and Exhibit Management may offer Exhibitor incentives to maintain dollars on file with The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE) and Captain Lee, LLC for application to any new or future events and/or fully virtual offerings.
Exhibit Management shall not be financially liable in the event the Exhibition is interrupted, canceled, moved, or dates changed except as provided herein.
Cancellation of any portion of this application/contract by the Exhibitor will be accepted only at the discretion of The Florida Saltwater Fishing Expo (FSFE), Captain Lee, LLC and Exhibit Management, and then only based on the following refunds: Prior to or on August 31, 2024: 80 percent refund of deposit on canceled space; after August 31, 2024, but before or on December 1, 2024: 20 percent refund of deposit on canceled space (deposit is defined as 50 percent of total booth charges); after January 1, 2025: no refund of any dollars paid on canceled space. Except as the Exhibitor’s rental obligation may be reduced as set forth in the preceding sentence, the Exhibitor is responsible for total booth rental regardless of the reason for the cancellation by the Exhibitor, including the failure of an exhibit to arrive for any reason or disagreement with any published health and safety protocols.
Exhibitor agrees to observe and abide by the foregoing terms, conditions and rules and by such additional terms, conditions and rules made by Exhibit Management from time to time for the efficient or safe operation of the Exposition, including, but not limited to, those contained in this application/contract. In addition to Exhibit Management’s right to close an exhibit and withdraw its acceptance of this application/contract, Exhibit Management in its sole judgment may refuse to consider for participation in future expositions an Exhibitor who violates or fails to abide by all such terms, conditions and rules. There is no other agreement or warranty between the Exhibitor and Exhibit Management except as set forth in this application/contract. The rights of Exhibit Management and the Exhibitor under this application/contract shall not be deemed waived except as specifically stated in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the respective parties.
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, without regard to its conflict of laws principles. Any disputes arising under or relating to this Agreement shall be brought exclusively in the state or federal courts located in Volusia County, Florida, and the parties hereby consent to the jurisdiction and venue of such courts.
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Exhibit Management